How funFlight™ Helps Golf Professionals |
You know your students and your facility the best. FunFlight Golf offers you a way to be creative to help grow the game and grow your business. You can host clinics, offer on-course lessons, create a developmental coaching program, or an amazing transition to play program. Use it with kids, use it with adults. Offer your league players a cool new game on fun day. Start your newbies with FootGolf, transition to FunFlight, and then develop them into golfers. Use it as a way to get your regular golf class participants on the course on a busy day when pace of play is going to be an issue. You are the expert and I'm sure you see the value of FunFlight. Get creative and see how it can help you solve many of the issues you see every day. We'd love to hear about any great ideas you have for FunFlight.
You can adapt FunFlight to your golf course any way you would like – You can use “Play if Forward” Tees, have golfers start the hole at the 100 or 150 yard marker. You can use/install FootGolf Holes, or you can have golfers hit the FunFlight Ball until they get on the putting green and then use a putter and a traditional golf ball to putt into a regulation hole, an 8” hole, or a 15” hole. Experiment with cutting a 15” cup in the fairway. FunFlight embraces experimentation and setting up a FunFlight course that works well with your facility and your customers. It's all about having fun, growing the game, and your bottom line.
You can adapt FunFlight to your golf course any way you would like – You can use “Play if Forward” Tees, have golfers start the hole at the 100 or 150 yard marker. You can use/install FootGolf Holes, or you can have golfers hit the FunFlight Ball until they get on the putting green and then use a putter and a traditional golf ball to putt into a regulation hole, an 8” hole, or a 15” hole. Experiment with cutting a 15” cup in the fairway. FunFlight embraces experimentation and setting up a FunFlight course that works well with your facility and your customers. It's all about having fun, growing the game, and your bottom line.
- No expensive equipment to buy. All participants need are a mid-iron and a FunFlight ball – and possibly a putter and a real golf ball for putting (depending on your facility). You can even sell FunFlight balls to your students!
- Your potential student base will increase as more people are interested sampling golf and improving their skills.
- More people will participate in learning programs because they view themselves as golfers.
- New golfers will spend less money on equipment which means they have more money to spend learning.
- The larger ball helps to create an athletic motion and more speed through impact instead of the chop, flip, etc. swing in order to hit the ball – you know what I'm talking about. This athletic motion creates a foundation for even better golf in the future. And, as we all know, everyone wants more distance!
- This is the most amazing developmental or transition to play program ever! It creates a positive environment for new golfers to play on the course where they don’t have to worry as much about their pace of play, missing the ball, or picking up (all of which can be embarrassing).
- You can teach course management at an earlier point in a new golfer’s career without overloading the student who is just focused on hitting the ball.
- Due to the FunFlight ball's soft construction, the chance of someone getting injured by a ball decreases dramatically. No more panicing when you see a golfer getting ahead of another golfer or hitting a ball into the next fairway and not yelling fore. You can calmly explain where they should stand or that they should yell fore next time with out frantically trying to fix the problem before someone gets hurt.
- New Golfers get on the course quickly so questions arise from students rather than instructors telling students what they are need to know. Since skills are learned as needed, they are learned in context to experiences the student has already had instead of memorizing skills to be later put into context. This makes for a coaching relationship rather than an instructing relationship.
- You can foster a philosophy of experimental learning and problem solving for golfers which increases their ability to effectively learn quickly and play idependently.
- Introduce new concepts and rules when appropriate for less stress and greater learning development.
- There are less problems with transferring learned skills from the range to the course because they are learning on the course instead of on the range (with no pressure). They have realistic practice because they practice mostly on the golf course.
- Students to have more success early in their golfing career. Celebrating these successes with new golfers allows a stronger bond to be made with the golfer. You'll also spend less time addressing the fears of new golfers and setting appropriate expectations with them on what it takes to learn to play golf.
- You can get your junior golfers onto the course faster – that way all levels can play the game without waiting to be good enough to go out there. Get them playing golf before they get bored with skill development. FunFlight is the perfect first on-course experience for kids! They will have success and want to come back for more.
- With less equipment and a faster pace, more new golfers can walk the course without lugging or pulling huge golf bags around. Kids will have more fun when they don’t have to worry about carrying their heavy and awkward golf bag.
- Recruit FootGolfers as students. They are already acclimated to being on the course. Using FunFlight to introduce basic skills of the golf swing and get them golfing!